Channel: Bo on the Go! - WildBrain
Category: Entertainment
Tags: bo on the go! | bo and the melody maestromelody maestrocbccbc televisionbo on the go!bo in the go! full episodeseason twobobo on the go! season twobo on the go full episodes english playlistthemelodybo and the melody maestrocbc bo on the gofull episodeandgo!bo on the go! melody maestromaestrobo on the go full episodeon
Description: Bo on the GO! | Bo and the Melody Maestro When their musical instruments go missing, Bo and Dezzy must seek out the Melody Maestro, a fellow who loves music so much; he wants ALL of the musical instruments in the world! After stomping like Elephants to make a beat for some guitar-playing Bullfrogs, and Bunny-hopping on an Octopus’ keyboard, Bo and Dezzy come face-toface with the Melody Maestro himself. By giving him a Plays-Every-Instrument-Pitch-Pipe, Bo and Dezzy make the M-M so musically happy he doesn’t need any other instruments at all! #BoontheGO #bobuddies #maxiumbopower #BoandtheMelodyMaestro #cartoon #childrenscartoon #CBC #CBCtelevision #wildbrain ##childrensshow #kidstv